Cloud Computing and Platform Engineer
March 2023 - Present
IT application development based on microservice architecture and cloud principles
Software Engineer Intern
August 2022 ‑ September 2022
Attended the YTE Bootcamp that was about Spring Boot, React, integration and unit testing, network basics, Hibernate/Persistence, Docker, Kubernetes, microservice architecture, PostgreSQL, Git, Linux, and Mockup Interface Design.
Built a Student Management System project using the given training in the bootcamp.
Data Science Intern
June 2022 - August 2022
Built a Similar Form Search Tool using some NLP models (mainly used Doc2vec model).
Used 300,000 unlabeled data from Jotform database to train the model and done preprocess to it. Also, used googletrans framework of Python, and the streamlit framework was used to create an API for the demo.
Machine Learning Engineer Intern
June 2022 ‑ August 2022
Built a computer vision system for Brain Spinal Cord Segmentation problem using U‑Net and Mask R‑CNN models. A ready‑made dataset from the internet has been used.
Machine Learning Engineer Intern
June 2021 - October 2021
For the first project, built an OCR system that reads the given images of scoreboards using Python. After coding phase ended, wrote unit tests using pytest. Also used pylint for coding standards.
For the first project, worked with a foreign student teammate. For the both project, worked under the supervision of my supervisors.
For the second project, built a machine learning system for surface anomaly detection from beginning to end. First, made data preprocessing like splitting to train ‑ test, batching and resizing. Then, wrote cnn, svm using sklearn, cnn+svm mixed model and pretrained inception models using TensorFlow and NumPy. After that, made model deployment using FastAPI. Finally, set up a pipeline system.